SPX Transformers

Engineered to Order.
Our role in this project:
Opportunity/Problem Statement

Value is not defined by the seller but perceived by a buyer. Real value-based selling is all about understanding total benefits provided and sharing the value equitably through price. Client dilemma: opaque pricing in the market, complex product, highly fragmented by product size classification, long lead times, and internal systems that were not aligned to dynamic or value-based pricing.

Action Taken

Redesign and develop new go-to-market Strategy, and Operational Processes. Create a platform that funnels corporate objectives, product management recommendations, best practices, and acute pricing recommendations that are reflected to sales in real-time.

Deployed a new pricing philosophy with new processes, roles,responsibilities, tools and metrics.  Designed new sales playbook for where, how, and why the company will respond based on new Product and Customer Segmentation models.

Creation of value-based pricing models influenced by competitive response and capability by product line.  Real-time pricing engine, developed in IBM Watson and deployed in QlikSense, that makes use of virtual markets to produce pricing bands for 93% of all possible product configurations.

Increased and verified competitive, product, and end-use data capture for future platform growth allowing the gradual growth of the company and steadily gaining confidence in their position for the marketplace.

  • RFQ response time reduced from an average of 16 business days to 11
  • RFQ response rate increased from 92% to 99%
  • Undesirable bids (product and customer) were truncated in the standard business process removing roughly 23% of bid and saving $1.2 mm in internal cost per year
  • Top line increase of 3.2% and a bottom-line expansion of 4.4%
  • First year project ROI over 18X

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